Monday, November 19, 2012

2012 Holiday Candlelight Script SKEAK PEEK!

This year’s Sotterley Holiday Candlelight entitled, “From This Day Forward” will take place on November 30 & December 1st with performances beginning at 6:30 p.m. and running every 10 minutes. In this living history production set within the 1703 Plantation House, visitors will encounter Sotterley’s past Christmas seasons and the families who lived and worked here. Share love, laughter and sometimes bittersweet memories at home on the plantation.

Take a glimpse of this year's wonderful new script:

1826 ~ The Gatehouse
Eavesdrop on an intimate moment between young newlywed Emeline Briscoe and her sister Lydia as they discuss Emeline’s recent marriage, and their anticipation of a bright future.

1839 ~ The New Room
Join the Briscoe’s growing family in their private sitting room, a respite from the outside world of sickness and strife, as they discuss family concerns and plans for their children.

1862 ~ The Drawing Room
As the Civil War rages, Walter and Emeline host their family celebration. The family’s faith and resolve are tested as three Briscoe sons plan to join the Confederate Army in Richmond, just days after the Battle of Fredericksburg where the Army of Virginia has been victorious, but at a very high cost.

1864 ~ The Red Room
During the last days of the Confederacy, Maryland has just emancipated their slaves on November 1, 1864. With the Briscoe’s away for the evening, Hilry Cane, his wife Alice, and Hilry’s son, George, gather to discuss their past and their new found freedom. Will freedom now threaten to tear their family apart?

1885 ~ The Dining Room
As the Briscoe’s grown children wait for their aged parents to arrive downstairs, they share memories with granddaughter Elizabeth of Walter and Emeline’s 60 year marriage. They discuss fond memories, changing circumstances, and the future of Sotterley.

Live musical performances from local premiere high school choral groups and complimentary cookies and punch will be available in the historic Barn, prior to the reserved performance time.


The cost is $15 per person.

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