Friday, September 28, 2012

Deadline Extended for Discount Tickets!

has been extended through
Sunday, September 30th at midnight!

Looking forward to a great turnout this year!
See you at WineFest!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Almost Midnight!

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock ...
the deadline to order DISCOUNT TICKETS
is MIDNIGHT tonight!

The tickets are good for either

Saturday, October 6th from Noon - 6 p.m. 
Sunday, October 7th from Noon - 6 p.m.

Hope to see you at WineFest!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Friendly Request to Visitors

We are delighted to see an incredible influx of visitors on site! We do request that all visitors check in at our Visitor Center/Museum Shop and pay the $3 admission fee. These funds enable us to maintain the magnificent grounds, which is an ongoing effort. If the shop happens to be locked, we rely on the honor system and ask that you insert the fee into the lock box conveniently located at the Visitor Center/Museum Shop entrance.

Many people flock to Sotterley to photograph the site, to use as a backdrop for photo shoots, to enjoy a picnic, to walk the nature trails, to set up an easel and create, and more. This is a special place for all to enjoy today and for future generations - Your Help Matters!

Admission: $3 per person

Tuesday - Saturday
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Noon - 4:00 p.m.

Available year-round.
Maps for Self-Guided Grounds Tours
and Sotterley brochures available at Visitor Center.

For more information about visiting Sotterley,
please visit our website:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Speaker Series 2012 Finale with Award-Winning Author

2012 Speaker Series at Sotterley

Michael W. Kauffman
“American Brutus:
John Wilkes Booth
and the Lincoln Conspiracies”

Friday, November 2nd, 2012 
7:00 p.m. in the Barn

Sotterley Plantation is proud to partner with The Boeing Company in announcing the upcoming 2012 Speaker Series presentation entitled “American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies” by author Michael W. Kauffman. This lifelong student of history will discuss his tireless search through layers of myth, folklore, and disinformation to learn what really occurred in 1865 … and why.

Mr. Kauffman’s award-winning book, American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies (Random House, 2004), was named one of the best books of 2004 by the Washington Post, the New York Times, and It was the basis of “The Hunt for John Wilkes Booth,” a two-hour documentary on the History Channel. Widely known as the guide for the Booth Escape Route bus tours, he is also a frequent contributor to television and radio documentaries and a consultant to universities, motion picture companies, and government agencies. When the Baltimore Circuit Court heard a lawsuit to force the exhumation of Booth’s remains, he was called as an expert witness. And when the remains of another conspirator were discovered in 1993, it was Kauffman who helped the FBI laboratory identify them. In his latest book, In the Footsteps of an Assassin, he takes readers over the 100-mile route of Booth’s escape from Ford’s Theatre to the Garrett Farm.

This event is FREE to the public. Advance reservations are required due to limited seating. Call 301-373-2280 during regular business hours to make your reservation.

Because of the generous grant and continued support from The Boeing Company, Sotterley Plantation is able to offer this important community outreach, fulfilling its mission of serving as an educational resource and cultural venue while it seeks to preserve, interpret and research the plantation’s diverse cultures and environments through its history.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Generous Donation Received from the CCAAA

George Picyk, President of the Charles County Antique Arts Association presents Kim Husick of Sotterley with a generous donation.

The Charles County Antique Arts Association generously presented a $1,400 check to Sotterley Plantation. Each year, this organization has two major fundraising efforts and makes donations to two local charities/historical sites. Bernice Schulz, a member of the CCAAA, recommended Sotterley after receiving a fundraising letter in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene.

"Realizing our tremendous and ongoing restoration needs, the 100+ members of the Charles County Antiques Arts Association voted to make this sizable and much-needed donation," stated Sotterley Office Manager, Kim Husick. "We are thankful for their generosity and support!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Selected to Participate in Combined Federal Campaign

photo courtesy of Frank Greenwell

We are pleased to announce that Historic Sotterley, Inc. has been selected as an approved organization for the Combined Federal Campaign, both of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA), and the St. Mary’s County Federal Campaign (STMCFC). CFC is the world's largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign and internationally helps to raise millions of dollars each year.

Many federal employees participate in the Combined Federal Campaign each year, and this year for the first time they may designate Historic Sotterley, Inc. as their charity of choice. This can be done by indicating Sotterley’s five digit code of 13401 on their pledge form. All donations received through the CFC will go towards supporting Sotterley’s mission of preservation, interpretation, research and providing an outstanding educational resource to our community.

“Following the devastation of Hurricane Irene last year there is still much to be done at Sotterley,” states Nancy Easterling, Executive Director of Historic Sotterley, Inc. “and being selected to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign is truly an honor that can help us accomplish our many goals. It is a wonderful program, and we are thrilled to be one of the worthwhile charities chosen.”

The mission of the Combined Federal Campaign is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.


Monday, September 10, 2012

GHOSTS of Sotterley ... They're Baaaaack!

“1918: Influenza, War, and Restless Spirits”
Ghosts of Sotterley 2012
October 19, 20, 25, 26 & 27, 2012
Experiences begin at 7:00 p.m. and run every 10 minutes
ADVANCE Reservations Required – No Walk-ins

This year’s production will take guests back in time to the year 1918. While restoring Sotterley Plantation to its former glory, owner, Herbert Satterlee disturbs more than the bricks and mortar as the country is in the midst of a flu pandemic and the remains of the Great War. Prepare to encounter both the earthly inhabitants of the time and those not of this earth on this historical and spooky outdoor walking tour!

The ever-so-talented and important Sotterley friend, Dawna Diaz has been actively involved in all aspects of the Ghosts of Sotterley for the past 10 years. She returns as Director, Producer and Make-up Artist for this year’s production. She hasn’t been off site for long, as she recently finished directing our War of 1812 living history events entitled, “The Choice – Risking Your Life for Freedom.” When not directing or performing on a stage, she can be found mediating or working her day job on base at Atlantic Test Range.

Dedicated volunteer and local celebrity, James LePore returns as the Playwright and Assistant Director of the Ghosts of Sotterley for the fourth year. He is a working actor with an impressive resume, a DJ on internet radio (, and is the Host of The Buzz on TV’s Metrocast Channel 10.

Advance reservations are required. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS. $15 per person. Group rates are available by calling our office 301-373-2280. May not be suitable for young children. Dress appropriately for this spooky outdoor walking tour / production.