Monday, December 6, 2010

BIG Thanks to the Family Plantation Christmas HELPERS!

Much thanks to ALL involved with Family Plantation Christmas 2010!
This was our most successful year yet
and we are grateful to so many for helping us out!

Bailey’s Party Rentals (Sponsor)
BayNet Radio
Compass Pointe, LLC
J&J Builders General Contractors, LLC (Sponsor)
Liberty Office Supply
Naval Air Museum
Patuxent Voices
Donna Reeves
Sotterley Garden Guild
Sotterley Staff
Southern Maryland Girl Scouts
Star 98.3 FM - T-Bone & Heather
Suttler Post Farm
Frank Trossbach
Carole Tucker
Wentworth Nursery

Sotterley Volunteers:

Bob Aldridge
Marie Alfiere
Angelic Allen
Alyson Bahel
Donald Barber
Mary Bauer
Brittany Benthall
Mary Bonk
Miriam Bonk
Kathy Brigham
Dave Brown
Mickey Brown
Pat Brown
Leslie Burgess
Timothy Burke
Steve Carroll
Brianna Church
Miriam Bonk
Laura Dean
Katerina Dudley
Louise Evans
Sara Fisher
Gary Frick
Carol Fugate
Lyndsay Fournier
Susannah Fowler
Shelby Frank
Michelle Gafford
Steven Gafford
Adrienne Gordon
Debbie Gray
Lori Hamilton
Alonzo Hatton
Veronica Henry
Melissa Hislop
Chasen Hughes
Linda Ireland
Trina Jacobs
Kristen Johnson
Roy Johnson
Marshall Jones
Tina Keeler
Cheri Kidd
Nico Kidd
Steve Lee
Daphne McGuire
Lauren Miller
Mary Miller
Judy Moe
Mary Monk
Paula Moroz
Steven Morris
Margot O’Meara
Pam Parker
Marie Rau
Judy Raynor
Debbie Reetz
Paul Rehder
Sue Rehder
Rich Richardson
Mary Roderick
Rod Rodman
Genise Rondina
Janet Rowland
Lauren Schaefer
Erika Schmitt
Jessy Schroeder
Annie Skaggs
Michael Skidmore
Alicia Smith
Jackie Smith
Lauren Smith
Louise Snell
Jesse Stottlemyer
Melanie Sweezy
Meredith Taylor
Bob Trible
Carol Tucker
Nancy Warren
Emily Wavering
Molly Whitacre
Kristen Woods
Mary Wrabley

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