Jennifer Horton: Edible Landscaping
Saturday, May 19th - 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Interested in growing veggies and herbs, but intimidated by the thought of breaking new ground? No need to dig a new bed or border! Jennifer Horton, Master Gardener Coordinator for the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Office for St. Mary’s County, will discuss incorporating edibles into existing landscape beds. Participants will learn how to analyze their site, as well as select and maintain the right plants to insure a beautiful and TASTY garden this season.
As a University of Maryland Extension-St. Mary’s employee and a Master Gardener, Jennifer Horton is committed to getting research-based horticultural information to home gardeners. She coordinates the UME-St. Mary’s Master Gardener program and oversees 85 Certified Master Gardeners as they volunteer in St. Mary’s County, providing education and support to various sites. She also supports the statewide UME-Master Gardener initiative of “Grow It, Eat It” which aims to help Marylanders produce their own affordable and healthy food using sustainable practices. Her passion is to teach about vegetables, herbs, mini-gardens, tree keys, and seasonal garden tips.
Advance reservations required. Please call 301-373-2280 or 800-681-0850 to make your reservation, as space is limited. Pricing for this event: Non-members: $15 per person; Members: $12 per person.
Interested in growing veggies and herbs, but intimidated by the thought of breaking new ground? No need to dig a new bed or border! Jennifer tree nursery